donderdag 1 oktober 2015

The city of love (and food)

Hi everyone!
A few weeks ago I traveled to Paris for a 4day weekend with Buski and I finally have the time to post about it. 
\( *_* )/ We traveled by bus because it can be really cheap if you book in the right period  (30 euro's for the two of us, back and forth!). I ordered my tickets at have a lot of other cheap destinations too.

In Paris we stayed at the Luna Park hotel. It's very basic and simple, but clean and the staff was friendly. I also wanted a cheap hotel so I could spent the rest of my money on good food and afford to go out for dinner everyday. And food we ate. 

I finally tried out Ladurée. 
These macarons are the real deal *0* Sooo tasty!

Well would you look at that.

And that.


'Would you like your burger raw, medium or rare'. Apparently this
is a normal thing in France, but in the Netherlands I've never heard somebody
ask how you would like your burger. Resulting in a happy Buski!

Something else we noticed: We got bread everywhere,
but without any butter, oils or something. Just plain bread
that arrived at the same time as the main course in every restaurant we ate,
instead as a starter while you wait for your food. Not sure if this is a thing in France or they were just so fast with cooking that they don't see the need of it as an appetizer haha. 


Now for the sightseeing part (although food is like sightseeing for me too lol),
we managed to see quite a lot for such a short holiday.
I think it's because we walked instead of taking the metro all the time.

The first morning we were looking for a comicstore but also ended up finding a comic/game walhalla! A very long street  packed with game, comic and video related merchandise stores. 


Sailormoon jewelry, figures, clothes, games, collectors items, etc *_* They had everything!

Afterwards we walked to the Louvre were we have spent most of the day.
When we were done at the museum we saw Arc de Triomph rising in the distance. 'Look it's over there, it's really close!' ...Ohh how we were wrong... Resulting in a day of walking from the the north-east of Paris 'till west. But it was worth it <3.

Some royal poo haha!

We saw another statue with a red ribbon like this,
and we're wondering what is means. Any thoughts?

The last day we would meet up with a friend and decided we could spent some time on the 
Père Lachaise Cemetery first, because it wasn't that far away from our meeting point.

The graveyard was huge, we spent a long time looking around.


And some of the many Space Invaders in Paris, we got excited every time 
we spotted one \(*0* )/. After meeting up with Rawny we went to see the Eiffeltoren and the Alexandre Bridge by accident, randomly strolling through Paris <3.

Buski and me pictured the conversation between the newlyweds would be something like:
'Yes, she looks fat in that dress' and 'no, you look way prettier dear'.


One last thing: The toilet in the hotel received a special random place in the wall next to spiral staircase in the middle of two floors.. :') Have been searching way to long for this damned toilet while already passing it a 100 times. That's one efficient way of saving space haha. So far our short break to Paris! I loved it <3.

Thanks for reading <3

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